Past Forms in English Quiz

Do you understand the use of past verb forms in English?

Updated on March 06, 2017

1. They _____ while I was cooking dinner.

Correct Wrong

 Use the past continuous to express events happening at the same moment of time in the past.

2. There was no food left when I returned. They _____ everything!

Correct Wrong

 Use the past perfect for something that happened before something else in the past.

3. If she had visited us last summer, she _____ the hikes in the mountains.

4. I _____ the bags before we left on holiday.

Correct Wrong

 It's possible to use the past simple when speaking about a sequence of events in the past.

5. She told me she was flying to Chicago last week. She _____ in her hotel room last night.

6. If he _____ the window he would repair it.

Correct Wrong

 Use the past simple in the 'if' clause of the unreal conditional.

7. By the time the presentation began, they _____ their discussion.

8. If I _____ you, I would finish my homework!

9. She is very intelligent. She _____ that!

Correct Wrong

 Use 'couldn't have + past participle' as a modal verb of deduction in the past to state what you believe was not true.

11. I lit the fire at four and it ______ brightly when Lisa arrived.

Correct Wrong

 Use the past continuous for something happening at a specific time in the past.

12. I was reading the letter when the wind ______ it out of my hands.

13. Jack ______ the report by the time it was due.

14. They _____ an argument when I arrived to celebrate Pete's birthday.

15. I'm not sure where Jack was yesterday. He ______ visiting Tom.

  • answer couldn't have been

Correct Wrong

 Use 'might have been' to express a possibility in a past situation.

16. If Hank _____ you were going to come, he would have made sure to be there.

17. I found this gold coin while I _____ in the garden!

Correct Wrong

 Use the past continuous to express something that happened while another action was in progress.

18. _____ the dog before they left on vacation?

Correct Wrong

 Use the past perfect for actions that occur before other events in the past.

19. He said he _____ yesterday.

20. He ______ get up so early when he lived in Los Angeles.

Correct Wrong

The negative form of 'used to' is 'didn't use to' because 'did' is in the past.

Past Forms in English Quiz

You got: % Correct. You Know Your Past Tenses!

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You know your English!. Andrew Rich / Vetta / Getty Images

Congratulations! You know your past tenses inside and out. Keep learning English and you'll be fluent very soon. Here are some resources to keep you learning.

Past Forms in English Quiz

You got: % Correct. Keep Working on Your Past Tenses

I got Keep Working on Your Past Tenses. Past Forms in English Quiz
You've done well on your lessons. Anton Violin / Moment / Getty Images

 You've learned a lot, but there are still some more past tenses that you need to understand. Use the resources and keep on learning.

Past Forms in English Quiz

You got: % Correct. Review Your Past Tenses

I got Review Your Past Tenses. Past Forms in English Quiz
Keep working on your studies.. Frank and Helena / Cultura / Getty Images

 Tenses are difficult in English. Don't worry! Keep studying the past, present and future as well as other forms such as the conditional and reported speech.