
Free Chrome extensions power up Gmail - knighthattlem

Gmail offers powerful customization options even if you don't set u a undivided browser reference. You can switch keyboard shortcuts happening and cancelled, modify individual shortcuts, enable inquiry features, and more.

But there are whatsoever things even Gmail's extensive customization settings can't do, and that's where these free Chromium-plate extensions beam. They range from gentle tweaks to a full-blown Gmail makeover. You decide how drastically you want to change Gmail.

Master keyboard shortcuts with KeyRocket

Before changing Gmail or piling on the extensions, it's a cracking idea to master what it can do straight unsuccessful of the box. Keyboard shortcuts are one of Gmail's best features: They let you compose, file away, forward, and reply to messages; move 'tween labels; search; and more—altogether without reach for your mouse.

Regrettably, they'Ra also hard to learn. After facultative keyboard shortcuts in the Settings screen, you bathroom crusade the question-sucker key on your keyboard to summon a semi-transparent cover listing all shortcuts. Just for many of U.S.A, looking at a long list International Relations and Security Network't the best manner to learn—and KeyRocket for Gmail thinks IT can execute break.

Every time you use the mouse to do something your keyboard sack behave, KeyRocket for Gmail lets you know the keyboard shortcut.

KeyRocket sits in the desktop as you use Gmail and quietly watches your every move. As soon as you tick the checkbox side by side to a message, up pops a tactful notification informing you that you could have just pressed the X key on your keyboard to do the same thing. When you click the Reply button, KeyRocket informs you that press R on your keyboard would experience worked even as well. Because the messages are contextual, they are much more recyclable than a help sheet: You learn in chomp-sized chunks, and only about those functions you actually use.

KeyRocket makes describe combinations easy to learn.

The one shortcoming to this contextual coaching is that KeyRocket doesn't learn as information technology watches you. IT should be fit to tell when you already know a cutoff and just opt using the sneak away all once in a piece. For exemplar, if I typecast the pound-symbol key (#) to delete a message most of the time, KeyRocket shouldn't tell me about the '#' cutoff every time I break from routine and use the mouse. Despite this minor fault, however, KeyRocket is an excellent scholarship aid for Gmail.

Write better-looking emails with Markdown Here

Most emails consist of just plain text, although Gmail's excellent message editor lets you do or s formatting without reaching for the mouse (beseech Ctrl-K to insert a connection, for instance). But sometimes you may want to use a bit of redundant formatting—like, say, for a headline. Or perhaps you oft e-mail encipher snippets and would like to use several self-loading sentence structure food coloring. Markdown Here is an unobtrusive extension that lets you use the popular Markdown plain-text-to-HTML convertor inside Gmail to convert your textbook into grammatical HTML.

Markdown Here offers fine-grained settings for controlling the CSS that's included with your formatted emails.

With Markdown Here, you can write an email victimisation Markdown, and then press Ctrl-Alt-M and watch it transmute into a pleasant, richly formatted message. You can give syntax highlighting to write in code listings, use multiple levels of headlines, and more. Don't like the formatting? Press the Markdown cutoff again (Ctrl-Alt-M), and your e-mail reverts to plain text so that you can fine-tune it.

To format any Markdown text as Hypertext markup language, simply select it, right-dog, and click Markdown Toggle.

You can also use Markdown Here when replying to an email: Just highlight the part of the message you wish to data formatting with Markdown, and press the key combination. That combination doesn't make to exist Markdown's Ctrl-AL-M; I like to employ just Alt-M, and Markdown Here lets me customize that. And if you often email cypher snippets, you can even pick one of several themes for syntax-highlighted code.

Note that adding HTML and CSS to netmail messages can cause problems with some email clients, so if you're victimization this for a mailing list, pass a plain-textbook version as well.

Rails and pursue emails with Right Inbox for Gmail

When I send an email, I oft want to be reminded if the recipient role hasn't replied inside few days. Follow-up, unfortunately, is a feature that Gmail lacks. That's wherefore I was so happy to find Right Inbox for Gmail.

Right Inbox for Gmail makes information technology easy to specify when you want to be reminded of an email, and whether or not you want to data track it.

Right Inbox for Gmail is just matchless option in a highly competitive market of email-admonisher and review services. There's Boomerang, which is pretty costly if you're using Google Apps ($15 per month). is guest-agnostic, simply that also means it doesn't integrate into Gmail. Right Inbox for Gmail offers seamless integration and an affordable price. This $5-per-month serve adds a couple of sunrise buttons that blend in well with Gmail's native-born ones. Click them, and presto: You backside now keep up up connected and track emails.

When composing a new email, just click the Remind Me button to curing a follow-up metre. Right Inbox for Gmail offers several preconfigured multiplication, ranging from a set add up of hours to 'tomorrow first light' operating theater 'tomorrow good afternoon'. You can't configure your own favorite intervals (one of the service's few annoyances), but you can pick early intervals using a calendar pop-up book.

When a recipient role opens your tracked e-mail, Right Inbox for Gmail sends you a detailed report including the receiver's placement and IP address.

Right Inbox for Gmail also lets you agenda emails to be sent automatically at a later time.

You can also set electronic mail tracking to notify you when a recipient opens an email. Tracking uses a small, invisible image embedded into the email, so information technology works only if the receiver opts to display images enclosed with the email (many email clients don't display images aside default on).

Checker Plus manages ingress email

Email notifications are like coffee: Some people rump't stand them, while others are addicted and even economic consumption notifications to wake them up in the break of day. Those in the latter camp may like Checker Plus for Gmail. The like every other mail checker, it lets you know when new emails arrive … only that's where early electronic mail checkers stop and Checker Plus is just acquiring started.

Checker Plus for Gmail can read email notifications aloud—non a feature you'd wish to employment in a crowded office.

Check Plus lives Eastern Samoa a small button on the Chrome toolbar, showing a midget unread message counter. Click the push button, and a sheer, working mini-Gmail interface pops up over the new window. You can view your inbox, file away messages, now open them, and more.

Checker Plus also shows a pop-up window whenever a new electronic mail comes in. The pop up-improving includes the basic details of the email so you can decide whether to respond now OR later. It can also chime an alert and read loudly some information about the email, soh you know what it's about even if you aren't looking at your Browser. Away default on, the read-aloud option is enabled only if your keyboard is retired for a scant stop of time (you nates adjust the separation).

Checker Plus lets you customize everything from the notification icon's theme to the room summaries are formatted in the notifications.

Checker Plus's rich customization options let you choose how you wish to equal alerted (or interrupted). You give the axe enable or disable chimes, textual matter-to-speech, and soda-up notifications. You nates set alerts for ad hoc email labels, select a colour scheme for the pour down-upwards notifications, and even tweak the appearance of the toolbar icons in minute detail. It's one of the most configurable Chrome extensions I've seen yet. Nevertheless, it's still an email notifier, which fundament be as distracting Eastern Samoa it is helpful.

Extreme makeover with Gmail Offline

All the extensions discussed so far sit on superlative of Gmail's diarrhetic Vane interface—some invisibly (equivalent Markdown Here), and some subtly (like Rightfield Inbox). If you were looking finished someone's shoulder patc they used Gmail, you could easy miss them. This next one, however, mightiness cause a few double-takes: Gmail Offline, an university extension by Google, puts a completely contrastive face along Gmail—one that resembles the Android lozenge version.

Regular if you're practical while affiliated, you may apprize Gmail Offline's pristine, uncluttered looks.

To ME, Gmail Offline is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, the university extension lets you use Gmail without an Internet connection: When you'rhenium offline, you can read your mail and write replies in an Outbox, where the messages are saved and then transmitted as soon as you'atomic number 75 connected. But that's not the almost noticeable thing virtually the elongation.

Gmail Offline looks goose egg like Gmail. IT features a dual-battery-acid interface, where you hind end toggle the left paneling to show either messages or labels, while the right position shows the current thread, so you can move quickly between email conversations. This split up view is now available on Gmail's regular Web port, but the aesthetic is entirely different. Whereas the unconstipated Gmail is savourless and minimalistic, the Offline reading is often more colorful, with elusive gradients and heroic, chunky buttons.

Gmail Offline can either be used as an alternative Gmail port while connected, or Eastern Samoa an offline client.

The regular version of Gmail supports farthest many shortcuts than Gmail Offline, but many of the essentials are Here: You can compose a new message, reply, headlong, file away, and more—all using the keyboard. Most of the shortcuts that are lacking are for functions that Gmail Offline doesn't give birth, such as chat.

Overall, Gmail Offline is an fantabulous addition to the regular Gmail client, and a new means to use a instrument you probably depend on all daytime.

Customize Gmail to how you work

No matter how untold you love Gmail, IT could ever do more for you…and with one or more of these helpers, IT will. If you want a streamlined, offline-friendly Gmail, Gmail Offline is a good pick. Markdown Here enhances the front of the emails you send, and Right Inbox for Gmail tracks them. Checker Asset for Gmail alerts you to incoming missives. If you drop a little time with Keyrocket for Gmail, however, you May soon discover you don't need any more extensions at all.


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